Tuesday, October 7, 2008


walked from the hotel by windowed bridges all the way to the convention centre on the harbour. apparently can get round much of the centre without having to touch the ground, a bit like the bridges for the Medici family in Florence I thought to myself. maganificent 180o views round the harbour.

very cloudy sky but it is warm at the same time. grey seas but a very very warm breeze. very interesting that most HK people correct you if you say it's the first time you've been to China, say no more.
Kowloon is apparently the shopping centre so I might try that later. very little exhibition but some nice stories for me.
lots of traffic on the river, looks abit like london skyscraper wise, but there are huge mountains rising up behind them.
came over azerbaijan and mongolia and there were vast amounts of nothing we traversed, like the moon, no sign of any human habitation, same in China though I could see massive rivers looping around like a snake, and one which might have been the yangtse or the yellow river, (or perhaps they are both the same, or perhaps they are a line from a song,)a huge wide shining silver path across the plains.

it was so hot when I stepped out of the hotel last night I thought there was a fan or an engine on, but it was the warm wind blowing up from the sea.
hope all is going well.

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