Tuesday, October 7, 2008

first sight of Hong Kong

well, my lovely ones. sitting in an eastern cafe while it is yet to be midday chez vous, and night is drawing nigh here. Very colourful area, lots of neon signs, but extremely shabby with a bright Novotel in the middle of it. Came through some lovely countryside on the way, like one of those chinese paintings we all know so well, lots of very high, pointed hills, with greenery all the way up, deep chasms and in the mists the rising skyscrapers of hong Kong. Went past Cowloon with about a million containers ready to be shipped out to the shops of the world, quite frightening really.

Loads of Australians en route for oz I presume, looking tanned and fit, and lots of them here in Honkers too. blonde, tall and sheepish. Many David Miliband lookalikes too, for some reason, I think he's a bit like those cyberspace cyphers. I think Angelina Jolie started off as one too, but she actually did.

Don't know what to do now. could go down to the harbour, but that's where the exhibition centre is, so will probably have enough of that. Might make up for last night tonight instead. Not like the Italian hospitality where they lay on a dinner at every opportunity. Shall probably grab a glass of wine out of the minibar.
It's a very odd mixture of British things and real Chinese here , a blocked google, I presume, since it comes up in Chinese all the time, and my commercial traveller has been identified as spam, don't know it that's anything to do with it, and google are having to verify it, so I've gone back to this version, 2007 ad infinitum. Saw an Olympic village, next to some very shabby high rise flats, and my glass and steel hotel looks down on something resembling your new allotment, Pete, but it's on the roof high up.
well, shall try and give you some more interesting news later on.
the lights are the most amazing. Chinese characters lend themselves to the Christmas decoration look, and they are everywhere, green neon placards with bright red and orange characters.
well, signing off now. hope you find it.

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