Wednesday, October 8, 2008


just leaving fair now. river traffic still pounding up and down the harbour, including a chinese junk, very exciting. Every so often, police helicopters sweep out of the clouds from the mainland, with headlights blazing, just above the water, and seem to be about to crash into this tall plate glass windowed conference centre.
might go to a 'do' tonight, right next to the harbour; it's next to a golden statue
Have been talking wool to woolmen, spinning a yarn with a twist.

quite cool and breezy here with the roar of the aircon. ventured out at lunchtime and nearly passed out in the stifling heat, because the cloud cover is so low. you just don't realise when you're in a building.
HK girls very smart, you can tell which ones they are because they are stick thin and wearing designer shoes, I am told. all HK residents are slim as far as I can see. in coffee shop last night several little extremely pretty waif-like black haired girls with white t shirts and trendy jeans sat quietly doing their maths homework with hardly two words exchanged,
some people wearing masks to walk about but not many. noticed the cooks last night in the hotel were wearing masks as they worked.

1 comment:

The chosen one said...

Were they chicken feet? Having sushi in a pseudo hommage to you, well in no way really, but pheasant tonight and will eat all and strange parts of the bird like you. The sun is dancing on the Thames here and there is a hellicopter descending to the pad at MI5 next door. Coincidence? I think not. More on the company please. Have you let slip that I once met Chris Patten. Shhhhh