Thursday, October 9, 2008

a chinese

I had an official and very formal chinese meal today with a Chinese official (woman) and the HK press people plus a motley group of journalists, one Korean,  one Japanese (best of bunch apart from a newly arrived German girl) an oldish Indian bloke with a New York accent blending with Calcutta, most disconcerting. v
Very posh resto. lots of protocol explained, with a circular glass plate which we could push round, and two sets of chopsticks, one to take the food and one to eat it with. spoons only to be used for serving things. loads of Cantonese specialities: dumplings with prawns or chicken or veg in side, mounds of shining greens, leaves with prawns on the top, pork cut into little roasty bits, tiny fish, like threads, only distinguishing feature their tiny black pinprick eyes, fried of course, spring rolls etc. followed at the end by an offer of rice. I was told they did this for guests in case they have not had enough to eat, the answer is that you don't want it, or if you do to take only a spoonful or so. chinese mango coated in coconut which I tried, and other sweetmeats which I did not . interesting and very delicious, plus endlessly replenished cups of tea served from white teapots. 
Then interviewed the German capo di capi of Interstoff, bit arrogant, kept me waiting while a thin hunched financial guy of indeterminate european origin quizzed him endlessly about things which were not relevant to HK. but then I had my turn and got a few answers out of him.
Might go over to Kowloon on star ferry in a minute, Christian gave me the address of a dept store, and I was discussing it with the woman very nice who has come over with the post grad Texprint students, she's going too but did not like to suggest I went too. only found poncy chopsticks so far, $900, 90 pounds, or more, so don't think I want that. was advised to go to Ikea, would you believe it. 

Overall, nice sunny weather today and quite a breeze.

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